Update: Sense.ly is now Sensely.
Soon after the health providers are announced to be given a fixed amount of compensation for taking care of a given number of patients in their area, it is also observed that health providers can save money while treating medicare patients in particular. They try to keep the sick patient healthy enough so they need not to visit hospitals or be admitted there for treatments and routine follow-ups that are necessary for aged and medicare patients.

Zillionize feels excited to invest in Sense.ly – An avatar based, virtual nurse for caring and following up patients particularly those having chronic diseases. It acts as a virtual medical assistant that uses intelligent remote diagnostic tools to analyze the condition of patients and gives insights about what medical treatment shall be followed to improve their health.
Sense.ly works as a care-bridge between a patient and his clinician network by medically screening and following-up the health status of patients to keep the doctor informed about the progress of patient.